Marriage is a sacred institution which binds both the woman and man in a pious relation. It
gives this relation meaning. Marriage with in the same caste means that both the boy and girl
belong to the same community. Inter -caste marriage means girl and boy are from different
castes where one member belongs to lower caste. The caste, creed and culture are the three
most important elements, which are kept on the high priority list. For years, Indians had an
orthodox mindset. They could not imagine inter -caste marriages.
They had a conception that marriages are only possible in the same caste and community.
Talking about inter- caste and inter- religious marriages in India was a taboo for most
people in the earlier days. However, with time, things changed and inter- caste marriage also
became a part of the society. Inter- caste marriages are regarded as the most important
social customs and hence, were viewed as the best means to remove the barrier of castesystem.
When God created men and women, he has not assigned any caste on them. So, how
can the human beings divide God s created world into castes and communities.
Customs and religious practised were so strict and merciless that even sometimes the boy and
girl were hacked to death by their parents due to the pressures from the society. However,
with time things changed and inter- caste marriage also became a part of the society. Today,
in Indian society, though we can see inter- caste marriages, but mostly it is the part of the city
culture. The rural parts of the country still have a long way to go