Dr. Maloth Ramesh
Recived Date: 2023-10-26 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-29 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 1 - 6
Early Child Care and Education (ECCE) is the first step towards preparation for life .So, it must lay foundation for building personality of the future. ECCE programmes are normally designed for children from age 3 and include organized learning activities that constitute, on average, the equivalent of at least 2 hours per day and 100 days per year. Early childhood refers to the period between birth and 8 years of life. The widely used term ‘early childhood care and education’ (ECCE) refers to a range of processes and mechanisms that sustain and support development during the early years of life: it encompasses education, physical, social and emotional care, intellectual stimulation, health care and nutrition. It also includes the support a family and community need to promote children’s healthy development. The NEP 2020 proposes to implement uniformly, in state-run and privately-run schools, a child centred ECCE curriculum that prepares children for rigours of formal curriculum of reading, writing, arithmetic, and EVS in subsequent Preparatory stage. This is done by providing strong foundation of a holistic, multi-faceted discovery-based learning experience that develops all aspects of the learner’s personality from cognitive to social, emotional, creative, and physical. The overall aim of ECCE will be to attain optimal outcomes in domains of physical & motor development, cognitive development; socio-emotional & ethical development; cultural/artistic dev & dev of communication & early language, literacy and numeracy. This paper discusses the ECCE with relevance to NEP 2020.
Key Words: NEP 2020, Education, Quality, ECCE
Seema Rani Sharma
Recived Date: 2023-10-26 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-29 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 7 - 14
Kalpana M. More
Recived Date: 2023-10-26 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-29 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 15 - 22
From past couple of decades, in the era of Globalization, the rapidly growing urbanization has led to remarkable change in family structure, from combined to nuclear. The alarming complexity of the modern society, characterized by a gap between family members, loss of sharing of feelings and problems with each other, is one of the root causes for enhancing mental stresses in school students. Furthermore, the availability and affordability of information technology gadgets followed by their excessive and undue uses has noticeably decreased the spontaneous participation of students in physical activities/games, affecting their physical fitness. As a result, many schools are witnessing noticeable increase in students possessing physical and mental stresses, restricting their holistic development To overcome this, use of counselling and guidance has been considered as an effective and efficient approach and accordingly as an integral part of school education. It plays a crucial role in creating an inclusive environment, where every student feels to be special and supported. In every National Education Policy due importance has been given to guidance and counselling. Very recently, Central Government of India has introduced the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), which is expected to bring radical changes in entire education sector, from schools to institutes of higher education. Recognizing the essentiality of guidance and counseling services, it has been included as a fundamental component of NEP 2020. Being a teacher in education, an important mediator between schools and institutes of higher education, herein an attempt is made to critically analyze the proposed aspirations of guidance and counseling in school education, along with the challenges and strategies for its effective implementation, with reference to NEP 2020.
Key Words: Guidance and Counseling, School Education, National Education Policy 2020.
Naini Choudhary
Recived Date: 2023-10-26 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-29 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 23 - 26
Crime is an illegal act that has existed in our society for all of recorded time. Historically, these acts have always been committed against the most vulnerable members of society as a whole. Women are one of these weaker groups. In the twenty-first century, women's situation in traditional Indian society is abhorrent. Rape, murder, dowry deaths, human trafficking, kidnapping, and abductions against women are on the rise despite the existence of multiple laws and sanctions. While women face numerous challenges from the embryonic to their deathbed, the Indian Constitution's Article 14 and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 7 both mention equality before the law. Despite the fact that numerous laws and regulations have been created to protect women, the number of crimes committed against them rises daily and annually. Around 1 crore cases of crimes against women were registered under the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) in the last five years till 2023. In India as well as throughout the world, violence against women is on the rise; these victims are harmed sexually, physically, mentally, and financially. The disturbing global scope of this violence was brought to light by numerous studies that emphasized its prominence and called for an increasing amount of research. Studies have also shown that some categories of women—minority groups, women from indigenous and migrant communities, women incarcerated or in institutions, women with impairments, women with young children, and elderly women—are more vulnerable than others. Although there is yet no cure for crime, there is a treatment for it. The first step toward a better society with fewer violent episodes is educating girls. Campaigns to alter attitudes and raise awareness about gender inequity among men and boys are useful instruments. As responsible citizens and individuals, we must raise awareness of and report any acts of violence against women that we come across.
Key Words: Crime, Gender Violence, Women, Gender, Spatial Variations, Policies, Abuse, Special Laws.
Amit Kumar Sharma
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 27 - 35
In India, Dalits (Scheduled Castes and tribes) are socially and economically oppressed, culturally subjugated, and politically marginalized lies at the core of a considerable body of sociological literature. The Dalits are an integral part of our social and cultural fabric. Their role in an age of science and high-tech assumes greater significance than ever before. They are too precious to be dispensed with. Their exploitation at the hands of the feudal forces causes us to pause and reflect. They need second look today. A dispassionate analysis of Dalits' lifestyle makes it imperative that the social, cultural, economic, and political dimensions to their age-old problems be taken into consideration. BSP has also succeeded in the politicisation of Dalit community in U.P. Against the backdrop of these given facts it may be mentioned here that the Dalit community has been impacted upon by reciprocal determinism that is politics and economics reinforcing each other. Dalit assertion is a multifaceted phenomenon--cultural, economic, political. So, it is not the economic factor alone which is deciding as has been said by Karl Marx. There is a positive or linear correlation between politics and economics. Politics is the cause, and its effect is economics and vice-versa. Reciprocal determinism assumes that politics and material aspects coupled together and re-inforcing each other are most important sources of motivation of Dalits and their empowerment. Reciprocal determinism is the outcome of the process of rationalization as it is an alternative strategic measure for the empowerment of Dalits. Politics has now become, particularly in the context of Dalits, a necessary condition or key for economic upliftment as in a conservative society like ours as traditional high caste elites are not prepared to delegate their authority to Dalits. Unification of all the high castes against the lower castes on the issue of reservation is a clear reflection of it. Political mobilization has also overcome economic differentiation as far as voting is concerned though rivalry and factionalism remain.
J. Shakila
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 36 - 44
Student teachers are the future goal setters. It is very important to monitoring how they are learning and acquiring the practical and theoretical knowledge for the future development and growth in the career profession. This study focus on adjustment of B. Ed teacher trainees. Normative survey method was adopted and stratified random sampling was chosen for study. 300 students participated in this study were obtained from 13 B. Ed Colleges at West Godavari district. The main objectives were 1.To assess the level of adjustment among teacher trainees 2. To study the influence of the adjustment among teacher trainees with certain variables like gender, locality, religion, marital status and academic stream. The study revealed that moderate level of academic stress of teacher trainees. Gender, locality is significantly influenced their academic stress. Religion, marital status and academic stream have not significant influence on their academic stress.
Dr. Promila & Neelam Kumari
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 45 - 54
The computer phobia of senior secondary school teacher teaching in senior secondary school in Himachal Pradesh research was conducted by the researcher. The sample was collected from teachers teaching in senior secondary schools of Mandi and Kullu Disttt. of Himachal Pradesh. The study was confined to a sample of 400 teachers. The study was restricted to two variables i.e. computer phobia as dependent variable and marital status is independent variables. In the present study Computer Phobia Scale constructed and standardized by Dr. Rajasekar and Dr. Vaiyapuri Raja was used by the researcher. Statistics is a mathematical technique or process of gathering, describing, organizing, analysis and interpreting numerical data. The statistical techniques are used to give meaningful and consider picture of the whole data so that it could be easily comprehended. It is employed to test the hypotheses in the study. In order to study the distribution of computer phobia scores of secondary school teachers, descriptive statistics like mean, median, mode, S.D. ,Q.D., skewness and kurtosis was used. For studying the marital status-wise, significance of the difference in the computer phobia among school teachers teaching in senior secondary schools, t-test was used and the investigator find that there was no significant difference in the mean scores of overall computer phobia of married and unmarried school teachers teaching in senior secondary schools.
Ved Pal & Dr. Madhuri Hooda
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 52 - 62
Millions of individuals use the internet as a platform for the creation and exchange of information. Indeed, this fact has a significant and profound impact on both social life and academic success. In the evolution of information technology, the internet is a fundamental technology. The knowledge-based society now considers the Internet to be an essential tool. The way things are done is changing as a result of the usage of technology. This includes the work done in universities where the teaching and learning process is changing. It is crucial to understand how technology affects student achievement. This study looked into how using the internet affects academic performance. Both the institution and the students may benefit from this paper. Institutions can spend more on online resources to improve their students' academic performance and yield better outcomes. Additionally, it will give readers a thorough understanding of the numerous internet resources and how students can use them to raise their academic performance
Rashmi Nautiyal & Prashant Dabral
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 63 - 72
Teaching has been regarded as a dynamic activity that requires a positive attitude and competitive nature from the teachers. The Modern scenario of the teaching profession demands from its practitioners to be the facilitator of learning. To make the teaching-learning process successful or to increase its effectiveness, teachers must have a favorable attitude towards the teaching profession because the teacher is the most important person in the entire education process. The present study aims to investigate the attitude of pupil teachers toward the teaching profession. 124 pupil teachers in all the three campuses of H.N.B.G.U. (a central university) participated as the total sample in the study. A standardized tool by Dr. Umme Kulsum was used to measure the pupil-teacher’s attitude toward the teaching profession. The tool consists of 55 statements related to academic, administrative, co-curricular, socio-psychological, and economic aspects of the teaching profession. The tool was circulated to collect the data. A survey method was adopted to collect the data. The data then were analyzed with Excel software. The result showed that the pupil teachers have a moderate level of attitude towards the teaching profession. Gender, locality, and stream wise there is no significant difference in the attitude of pupil teachers towards the teaching profession. The result of the study indicates that Self-finance pupil teachers have comparatively more favorable attitude than the Government pupil teachers towards teaching profession.
Shilpi Bhandari & Prof. Seema Dhawan
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 73 - 81
The environment and humans are interdependent. Without humans, the environment has no meaning and without the environment, human cannot imagine their existence on earth. This shows a direct relation between the both. But several human activities from the last few decades, on land, air, and water polluted the Environment. These all cause a huge loss of human lives and affect human health in terms of different communicable and non-communicable diseases. All these are constantly degrading human and environmental health. For good human and environmental health, everyone should be aware of holistic health and follow a healthy lifestyle. In this sense, the responsibility of Students of Teacher Education (STE) gets doubled in the sense that they prepare teachers, students, and citizens for their future regards. Therefore, it becomes necessary for STE to be aware of the term Sustainability and all SDGs, which ensures a sustainable livelihood for every individual. The objective of this study is to find out the perception of STE towards Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Good health and well-being. The sample comprises 113 STE (B.Ed. and M.Ed. students) of HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar. The quota sampling method has been taken to select the sample and Data has been collected through a self-developed questionnaire which consists of the items based on SDG-3. The present study will be helpful in training STE accordingly
Neelam & Monika Thakur
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 82 - 92
This study was conducted to examine the impact of gender and residential background on adolescents' adjustment. A sample of 1200 male and female adolescents was randomly taken from government and private schools located in rural and urban areas of Himachal Pradesh. Data was collected by using the Adjustment Inventory developed by Prof. A.K.P. Sinha and Prof. R.P. Singh (2019). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of the study revealed that there is no significant difference in adjustment of adolescents with respect to gender but students from the urban and rural area shows a significant difference in their adjustments. The study revealed that adolescents from urban areas are more adjusted as compared to adolescents from rural areas.
Dr. Promila, Dr. Neelam & Ms. Jyoti
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 93 - 100
This paper attempts to study the adjustment among prospective teachers with respect to their gender in Himachal Pradesh. The sample included 331 prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh by employing random sampling techniques. Data were collected from B.Ed Colleges by using a standardized questionnaire. The tool used for the “teachers adjustment inventory scale” was developed by S.K Mangal. The study's findings reveal no significant difference in adjustment among prospective teachers with respect to their gender. It was found that there is no significant stream-wise difference between the male and female prospective teachers in terms of their Adjustment. On the other hand, the mean scores of adjustment girls is higher than those of boys which indicate that the girls are better adjusted as compared to their boys counterpart.
Naini Choudhary & Nishan Sahib
Recived Date: 0023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 101 - 111
This research study explores the complex and significant relationship between human rights and armed conflicts, providing insight into the intricate dynamics, lasting effects, and the crucial involvement of international legal frameworks and procedures. This study is an examination of the effects of armed conflicts on human rights, specifically focusing on civil and political rights and economic, social, and cultural rights. It draws upon an extensive assessment and analysis of existing literature to investigate the wide-ranging implications for communities affected by such wars.
This study explores the significance of theoretical frameworks in comprehending the motivations and behaviors of both state and non-state actors within conflict environments, providing valuable perspectives on the intricacies involved in safeguarding human rights. The analysis explores the historical backdrop, offering a comprehensive examination of notable prior hostilities and uncovering repetitive trends of violations of human rights, so underscoring the imperative for robust protective measures.
This study analyses the efficacy and implementation of significant global legal frameworks, such as the Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, within the setting of conflict areas. It aims to assess their ability to safeguard the rights and well-being of persons during armed hostilities.
This study examines the many methods employed for protection, including the involvement of international organizations, non-governmental organizations, peacekeeping missions, and humanitarian initiatives. It acknowledges the difficulties encountered by these entities in fulfilling their mandates within the challenging context of conflict.
Non-state actors, including rebel groups and terrorist organizations, are widely acknowledged as significant participants in contemporary conflicts. Extensive scholarly research has emphasized their profound influence on the perpetration of human rights abuses and the formidable obstacles they present to institutions of accountability.
This study critically examines the processes of accountability and justice, specifically focusing on international tribunals and truth and reconciliation commissions. It emphasizes the significance of these institutions in guaranteeing accountability for instances of human rights breaches.
Prashanth N S and Dr. Prashantha Kumara T M
Recived Date: 2013-09-12 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-25 | Published Date: 2013-11-01
Page No.: 112 - 127
The present study aims to examine the teacher motivation and teacher self-efficacy among teacher educators. The investigator has adopted correlation cum causal comparative method under descriptive method of research. The sample consists of 300 teacher educators from different colleges affiliated to Davangere University, Kuvempu University and Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University through stratified random sampling technique. The investigator developed a self-made tool to measure the teacher motivation and also used the standardized tool to measure the teacher self-efficacy among teacher educators. To interpret the raw scores, data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test and correlation. The finding shows that significant and positive relationship was observed between teacher motivation and teacher self-efficacy among teacher educators. It is to be noted that, there is no significant difference in the mean score of teacher motivation between male and female teacher educators however female teacher educators are having more self-efficacy scores compare male teacher educators. The unaided teacher educators have higher self-efficacy and teacher motivation scores values compared to aided teacher educators. Further, the teaching experience does not have a significant impact on teacher self-efficacy and teacher motivation scores among the teacher educators.
Divyansh Dev & Dr Naveen Bali
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 112 - 131
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 has been held as a landmark economic reform of India. Unlike previous regimes, it provides time-bound resolution of insolvent entities by providing easy exit options. However, such ease of entry is not available for individuals facing personal insolvency, especially those with low income and assets. Furthermore, the present regime does not provide a single-window solution and imposes high transaction costs on the debtor, making the debt payment unsustainable. This can be seen from the fact that on 31 March 2014 (RBI), cases amounting to INR 1,415 billion were pending at the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) – a designated adjudicating authority that’d implement personal insolvency. The present study addresses this issue using existing Payments Bank and Adjudicating Authority institutions. Both institutions will act as pillars towards an automated Fresh Start Process that’d give time-bound relief to the individual debtor. The paper further explores the strengths and weaknesses of executing this proposed model under a fresh start process.
Keywords: Insolvency, Bankruptcy, Debt Recovery Tribunal, Personal Insolvency, Fresh Start Process, IBC 2016. JEL Classification(s): K35, K40, K20
Dr. Neelam & Monika Thakur
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 132 - 141
This study was conducted to examine the effect of life skill on male and female adolescents studying in Government and Private Schools located in urban and rural areas of Himachal Pradesh. The sample of 1200 adolescents were randomly selected from government and private schools located in rural and urban areas of four districts HP. Data was collected by using Life Skill scale developed by the investigator. The data had been investigated utilizing descriptive statistics. The findings of the study revealed that there is no significant difference in life skills of adolescents with respect to gender (male and female) and residential background (urban and rural) but students from Government and Private school shows significant difference in their life skills. The investigator found that adolescents from Government school have more life skills as comparison to adolescents from Private school.
Ramdas B. Sonawane and S. G. Latpate
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 142 - 150
In this article, we study a problem of fractional distributed optimal control for the time fractional diffusion system evolving in a spatial domain Ω⊂Rn using distributed bounded controls. We minimize a functional constituted of the deviation between the desired derivative and fractional spatial derivative of order α∈(0, 1)
and the energy term. We prove the existence of an optimal control solution of the minimization problem. Then, we characterize the control as the solution to an optimality system.
Dr. Rishikesh Bahadoor
Recived Date: 2023-09-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 151 - 156
Subhendu Kar
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 157 - 168
The paper attempts to explore the crucial role of academic libraries in accelerating the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in India, especially in the context of the digital environment. Focusing on NEP 2020, it elucidates how academic libraries with digitized services play a crucial role in advancing the digitization agenda of the new policy by granting students access to extensive information and knowledge reservoirs. Through an in-depth analysis, the paper sheds light on the role of academic libraries in reshaping educational delivery methods and fostering inclusive learning environments in line with the guiding principles and objectives of NEP 2020. Furthermore, the paper delves into the obstacles faced by academic libraries in effectively fulfilling their roles as outlined in NEP 2020. Overall, the paper underscores the indispensable contribution of academic libraries in navigating the educational landscape of digital India, thereby propelling the implementation of NEP 2020 towards its envisioned goals.
Javed Siddiqui & Dr. M. A. Siddiqui
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 169 - 174
Gulistan meaning a rose garden, a flower garden is a well-known book of Shaikh Sadi, a Persian poet and writer who was born around 606 A.H./ 1209 A.D. in Shiraz, a well- known city and capital of Fars province of modern Iran. From the study of the preface of Gulistan it appears that this book was written during the reign of Atabek Abubakr bin Saad bin Zangi. One chapter has also been devoted in the name of Prince Saad bin Abibakr bin Saad and one in the name of Amir Kabir Fakhruddin Abibakr bin Abi Nasr. It also appears that Sadi is hopeful from the king, Prince and Amir Kabir that this book which is named Gulistan will be appreciated by them. Especially, the appreciation of Prince is sought because its forward has been written in the name of his father. From the study of one chapter which has been devoted in the reason of writing Gulistan it appears that Sadi had reached to the age of fifty years and his fame and popularity had reached all over the world but he was still sleeping so he was advised by his intellect to get up and grab the opportunity and utilize these five days and thus he opted to live in seclusion and wrote this book. From two couplets of a Masnavi it is evident that this book was completed in the year 656 A.H. This book is divided in eight chapters and almost all chapters in some way or other deal with humanity, universal brother hood, morality, contentment, purity of life, honesty, etiquette of company and wisdom.
Shri. Anil Shivaji Bhurake & Prof. Dr. B. R. Maske
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 175 - 178
Dr. Noaman Khatib & Shital Aashish Vakilna
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 179 - 188
With the passage of time, the investment patterns of investors are changing. The present study aims to understand the investment patterns of salaried individuals, including their proportion of income invested, preference for investment, factors influencing investment decisions, sources of information about investment products and difficulties faced while selecting investment. The study finds that mutual funds are the top investment choice for salaried individuals, followed by fixed deposits and the capital market, with government schemes like EPF and NPS being less favoured. Safety of the principal amount is crucial in investment decisions, with investment apps, financial news and advisors as primary information sources. Higher income leads to a higher proportion of income invested and there is no significant gender difference in preferred investment avenues..
Javed Siddiqui & Dr. M. A. Siddiqui
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 189 - 200
Mongol period in Iran can be divided into two parts. The first part began from 1219 which came to an end in 1255 and second part began from 1255 which continued till 1335. Available data suggests that from 1219 till the arrival of Halaku Khan in Iran in 1255 promotions of Persian literary activities were not paid much attention. It is therefore that in the first part of Mongol period no remarkable books in Persian prose are found in the territories conquered by Mongols under the leadership of Changez Khan. In the first period of Mongol rule in Iran few prominent poets and writers are noticed but they were not in Mongol territory, before Halaku arrived in Iran. It was in 1256 that after integration of remaining forces either by force or surrender when Halaku Khan established Ilkhanate to run the conquered territory in a systematic and organized manner and brought Iranian scholars and bureaucrats in administration which created healthy atmosphere, the literary activities restarted. It is therefore, that in the second period of Mongol rule several books of high standard in prose on various topics were written. Especially, historiography became a prominent subject and many books on history were written in this period. Among them Tarikh-e Jahangusha by Ata Malik Juwaini, Tarikh-e Wasaf by Abdullah bin Wasaf, Jame-ut Tawarikh by Rashiduddin Fazlullah, Tarikh-e Guzida by Hamdullah Mustaufi and Tarikh-e Benakati by Fakhruddin Benakati are most famous. Likewise, Nuzhatul Qulub on geography, Durratul Taj on philosophy Fih-e ma Fih-e on mysticism and Gulistan on moral and ethics are noteworthy.
Ms Jagriti Patel
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 201 - 212
This research paper studies Self-Reliant India as envisioned in National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in India. The paper aims to study the effectiveness of NEP 2020 initiatives in preparing students for entrepreneurship. Data were collected through online and offline surveys from a diverse group of prospective teacher educators and students graduating in STEM majors across Jharkhand and Odisha. The survey comprised questions related to the perceived improvements in STEM education, changes in teaching methodologies and the readiness of students for start-ups and setting up businesses in the STEM field. Research findings suggest a change in the educational approach, with an increased emphasis on practical, application-based learning and interdisciplinary studies. It studies the significance of integrating vocational training with STEM education. The results also indicate challenges in achieving uniform implementation across various educational institutions, particularly in rural areas. The role of NEP 2020 is to transform India's education system and create job givers rather than job seekers in a rapidly evolving job market. Through its analysis, the paper contributes valuable insights into the prospects of NEP 2020 in aligning classroom learning with industry expectations and realising the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India).
Dr. Ekta Bhushan & Mr. Bhopinder Singh
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 213 - 218
The present investigation was conducted on a total number of 100 Female Volleyball players, who were selected with adopting purposive sampling design. The minimum level of participation is open senior national level championship organized by Volleyball association of India for the year 2010 to 2012. The age of the subjects ranged from 17 to 30 and the mean value of age was 24.50. The variables for the study were Personality and Life style status, Sports Specific Personality Test was measured by Sports Specific Personality Test developed and standardize by Agya Jit Singh and H. S. Cheema. Life style Scale was measured by Life Style Scale developed and standardized by S. K. Bawa, and S. Kaur. The data was analyzed by computing descriptive analysis and Pearson’s product Moment correlation. The Mean scores shows that the mean scores of personalities and its sub variables are on the higher side, which shows that the selected Volleyball players were having a good personality profile. The Mean scores shows that the mean scores of life style and its sub variables are on the higher side, which shows that the selected Volleyball players are under the category of good lifestyle and moreover the inter relationship amongst the variables shows that efficient lifestyle results to good personality.
Dr. Khushal Limbraj Mundhe
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 219 - 223
Communication skills are critical for student success in both academic and professional settings. This research paper explores the importance of communication skills among students, categorizing them into various types and examining their application at different educational levels. The paper further discusses the benefits of good communication skills, the demerits of poor communication, and the educational necessities required to develop these skills. References from Indian research papers are provided to support the findings.
Dr. Dipak M. Rathod
Recived Date: 2023-10-25 | Accepted Date: 2023-10-28 | Published Date: 2023-11-01
Page No.: 224 - 235
This paper aims to provide an introductory overview of huge impact of data analytics on the field of accounting. Conventional accounting approaches frequently depend on manual procedure of available data. Data analytics enables rapid and precise analysis of extensive financial data. Due to this reason, in the contemporary business environment, the incorporation of data analytics into accounting procedures has gained significant importance. Data analyst encompasses the process of scrutinizing data in order to derive some useful conclusion regarding the information available for the different stakeholders. Accounting helps in analysing data to arrive at a meaningful conclusion, whereas Data analytics simplifies the data with the help of data mining, statistical analysis and predictive modelling. Data analytics in accounting facilitated the extraction of valuable insight from financial data, enabling informed decision making, pattern recognition and risk mitigation. Data analytics enables accountants to make predictions about future financial patterns, enhance budgeting efficiency and to have some useful hint for financial reporting.